Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I wan't to swear really Loud!!

I think I may officially be at my brink. Or the brink. Or however that cliche' is suppose to go. I will not bore both who read this with the details, but let's just say I want to drop the "F Bomb"..REAL loud. I don't know what could have prevented me from getting to this point, I feel like I conduct myself professionally everyday. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I am compassionate. I run my business ethically. Why am I being bombarded with reasons (not justifiable, but reasons none the less), to just break down. I am finding myself snapping at my kids for being kids. That's sounds cool huh? I think I need a timeout and need to really embrace the concept of His grace being sufficient. We posture, manipulate, or even act in a perfectly logical, justifiable way to get through the day while trying to get all our needs met on our time schedule. I want to stand and recognize that no matter how perfectly I plan all these things out, there are going to be road blocks and dead ends and some days that make me want to scream the "F bomb" at the top of my lungs. But the great thing is, that stuff does not matter, because I am made perfect in weakness and His grace is sufficient for my life. What a huge concept to grasp.
It doesn't matter how good or bad my day is, I have His grace. I have His love. I think maybe I will re evaluate my day. It was actually a pretty good day. I have His grace..


Unknown said...

very good honey! sorry your day was bad, we all have them.

dusty takle said...

You could just say "Vuck" like my 4 year old.

But seriously, perspective is hard to grasp some days. We know His grace is sufficient. We know His provision is true. But, some days we struggle. I have had more of those days lately. However, at the end of those days, I know my Savior is on the throne. And He has yet to fail me.

Leslie said...

I don't think God minds anger or frustration. He understands both because Jesus felt both. The fact that you are secure enough in your relationship with Him to let the Holy Spirit draw your attention to it. I understand where you're coming from and second the sentiment so I'm so glad to see another strong believer being open about this.`