Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Do We?

Proverbs 26:11, 'as a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.' I'm not sure that truer words were ever stated. Proverbs is littered with such truth and wisdom it makes me wonder why i ever read motivational/inspirational/management books. I have to think if i just camp out in Proverbs I will receive every ounce of wisdom ever needed.
Back to the passage: As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. Not exactly the most pleasant of analogies but spot on! What is it about us that makes us slowly drift from God for a season? Over the last 8-9 years in my pursuit to know the Lord more and more, I can't count how many times i have drifted from center. I'm not talking about living a different lifestyle, just not having Him at the center of your compass. There has not been a single season that He wasn't the center, that I was satisfied. It's like you get a reminder of what that feeling was like before knowing Him as savior. There is that empty feeling that you flat can't fill with anything else. You can try every emotion and high and at the end of the day, you are still unfilled. And then at some point, I decide enough is enough and I start pushing back into Christ. And as the days go by and He is back where He belongs I start to feel fulfilled again. It's not about getting the high, it's truly about getting fed because my soul requires it. Once I start to rest back in Him everything starts falling into its proper place. This doesn't mean everything begins working out in my favor, and i start catching green lights and finding money in my pockets but it absolutely means that God starts trusting me enough to put people in my path once again to share and reveal what He has done in me. It also means that there is a peace that is present during difficult stretches. Our God is so incredibly faithful but I fear sometimes that the next season i drift from Him, He isn't going to be so easy to find.
Why in the world do we feel the need to be so unbelievably foolish as to get lazy with Him when we absolutely unequivocally know that when we are right with Him everything is manageable?


How do you like them apples? said...

Very true Jam, this is an inner struggle with me that I feel I live out almost daily. I guess the reason we do it is because we are sinful. A commitment here, a hunting trip there, and before you know it, you (me,whoever) are so wrapped up in your life and it's dealings, you 've forgotten your purpose,mission, and that is not to serve yourself. Val and I have been talking about removing the clutter and business in our life. Minimizing distractions, we believe, will help our goal. To know Him and make Him known!!!

Keysha said...

not sure which one of you left a contact, but i can walk you through changing your layout if you want. let me know, or email me.