Monday, October 20, 2008

Allow me to introduce myself

My brother and I decided to start a blog. We brainstormed on a name and started throwing around lines from movies we liked. Since "You had me at hello" was already taken, we settled on this one. My brother is deep, spiritually mature, funny, charming, compassionate, and thought full. I am not. So allow me to introduce myself, I am a follower of Christ (but not always first). I am a dedicated husband (but not always second). And I the father of two boys (all the time). I have a beautiful wife, whom I love and appreciate with everything in me, but don't always show it. My boys (Cooper 5, Mack 3) are the most precious gift on this earth I have. They are funny, different, hard, loving,sweet, exhausting, patient, out of control, and really cool mixed with a bunch of awesomeness. I am a home builder by trade (fantastic time, huh?). I am fiercely loyal to family and friends. I am a homebody who enjoys hanging out at home as much as anything. I love hunting, OU football, MMA fighting (spectator only). I love to laugh and can make a joke of anything. I can and do quote movies from the 80's and 90's at inappropriate times. What I have found is that with all these interests and hobbies, I have a hard time focusing on the one thing that I believe matters, to know Him and make Him known. ( I realize that's two things, but think of it as breathing, the inhale and exhale...thanks Charlie) So through this trial run of blogging, I hope to talk through and begin to eliminate the peripherals in my life and focus on my/our purpose. Maybe I can drop a nugget of wisdom through some season in my life here or there. Or maybe I can make somebody laugh (did I mention I am really sarcastic and funny?). Who knows, maybe I will learn something. Just be patient with me, I am just a guy trying to figure it out, without the cheat sheet.........J

How do ya like them apples?


Sara Langum said...

Wow, I'm impressed! I will definitely add you to my list of blogs I look at and read from time to time. Can't wait for those nuggets of wisdom and I know without a doubt that I will laugh! Looking forward to it:)

Leslie said...

I actually can't wait to see what you and Jamie come up with. You're both so different but yet so complimentary to one another that I'm sure it will be wonderful. And who knows, maybe one of your seasonal nuggets will be a blessing or an answer to someone else. I'll keep your latest endeavor in my prayers.

Tristie Fischer said...

okay. i'm way pumped about the blog. looking forward to hearing a little more of what is inside your head.

i'll have to overlook the OU thing.