Friday, October 24, 2008

Knight Points

I have been a follower of Christ for about 6 years now. Prior to, I was left to my own devices. Needless to say, there were some bumpy roads. Since giving my life over to Christ, I have experienced varying degrees of hot and luke warm. As most are in the beginning, I was on fire. I could not read enough. I changed all the things I did, watched, listened to, thought, etc., for a season. Since those early days, I have had many inner struggles with God. I have tried to take my life back as my own, only to hear his voice in the back of my mind. Repeat cycle...I have recently lit the flame again and I am excited for what the future holds. Which brings me to my current thoughts. My 5 year old Cooper is a pretty special dude. He is extremely witty, funny, smart, athletic, etc. He is also a wee bit hyper. He does really well in school and I am proud of him. They have a point system for doing "good" things, and I expected him to rewrite the record books....not so much. Call it setting expectations too high or whatever, but I really thought he would be riding up and down the elevator by now (BTW, that is the reward, cool for a 5 year old I guess) Yesterday I asked him if he had gotten a "Knight Point". "No" he said with a hint of disappointment. It turns out, he had got in a bit of trouble that day. "My teacher told me I was out of control." That..sounds about right:) As we talked through it, Cooper said something that I could totally relate to..."the other kids just keep sucking me in". Nevermind the accountability discussion that soon followed, but it got me to thinking about myself. Why am I so easily sucked in by other people. Is it a fear of not being perceived as cool anymore? Is it that I truly enjoy the activity I am buying into at that time. What is it that makes me contribute to things I know don't glorify God. Why do I say I don't want to be of the world, when my actions often reveal me clinging to it. I believe I get "sucked in", because I am not near as strong as I think I am and that comes from a lack of trust in God. Wow, that' hard to say because I know all the right "Christian" things to say. But stripped away, at the core, that is my problem. I challenge "both" people reading this, to let go of the world and begin to trust God. I want to be an example to Cooper of how not to get sucked in, rather than a reinforcement of how to. Maybe then we both will earn a Knight Point...........


Leslie said...

Man . . . that's some great story telling and with a point that really hit home. Thanks, Jay.

How do you like them apples? said...

Thanks Les, I'm trying:)

Sara Langum said...

I guess tonight's message from Craig hit home with you too! I've been thinking the exact same thing about myself. Isn't it amazing how God always sends you the word you're needing...and so many times it's from Craig!

Anonymous said...

Do you know how many knight points you have to accumulate for the elevator ride? Dang near impossible. Well, impossible for me. I get "ants in my pants", so the hubs tells me. But, I also know that while I don't always accumulate knight points (and sometimes, I even make withdrawals), His mercies are new every morning. Whew. Glad for that.

Love your blog! Now, get busy with yours again. I mean really. What do you do during the day? Provide for the family? Sheesh.